Aftermath (2024)
Aftermath follows Jack Thompson, a war veteran suffering from PTSD, who takes his teenage sister, Sarah, on a day out in Boston to reconnect and find a sense of normalcy. However, their day takes a dark turn when a heavily armed group of ex-military revolutionaries seizes control of the Tobin Memorial Bridge, taking everyone on it hostage. Now, trapped and haunted by his past, Jack must confront his deepest fears to protect his sister and survive the brutal siege. Facing relentless attackers and using his military expertise, he fights to save the hostages and uncover the revolutionaries’ motives before it’s too late.
SIZE (195.3 MB)
Title: Aftermath
Genre: Action / Thriller / Drama
Release Date: TBA 2024
Country: United States
Language: English
Chris Evans as Jack Thompson
Millie Bobby Brown as Sarah Thompson
Idris Elba as Colonel Frank Davis
Florence Pugh as Agent Laura Gray
Michael Peña as Sam Rodriguez