Bhairathi Ranagal (2024)
Plot Synopsis:
Bhairathi Ranagal follows the gripping transformation of a once law-abiding and responsible lawyer, Bhairathi Ranagal, who gradually succumbs to the power and temptation of the criminal underworld. Set against the backdrop of Karnataka, the story delves into his internal conflict, as his ideals are challenged by the harsh realities around him. Over time, Bhairathi’s rise from a respected lawyer to a benevolent yet feared crime boss brings with it a complex web of relationships, betrayals, and struggles with his own moral compass. As he builds his empire, his struggle between justice and survival unfolds, questioning what truly defines honor in a world of corruption.
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Movie Title: Bhairathi Ranagal
Release Date: November 14, 2024
Country: India
Languages: Kannada, Telugu, Tamil
Genre: Action, Drama
- Shivaraj Kumar as Bhairathi Ranagal
- Chaya Singh as Vedhavathi
- Madhu Guruswamy as Singa Babu
- Hirannaiah as Shabari
- Rukmini Vasanth as Vaishali
- Rahul Bose as Parande
- Gopalkrishna Deshpande as Varada
- Avinash as Khandre
- Devaraj as Raghuveer Bhandri