Emilia Perez (2024)
The film follows the story of Emilia Pérez, formerly known as Juan “Manitas” Del Monte, a powerful cartel leader who decides to fake his death and undergo gender-affirming surgery. Seeking a new identity, Emilia hires Rita, a conflicted lawyer, to facilitate her plans. As Emilia’s transformation reshapes her life, it also disrupts the dynamics of her family, especially for her wife, Jessi. With elements of melodrama, crime, and operatic musical sequences, Emilia Pérez explores themes of identity, justice, and personal freedom.
SIZE (336.6MB)
Title: Emilia Pérez
Genre: Musical Drama / Crime Thriller
Release: May 18, 2024
Country: France / Mexico
Language: Spanish / English
Karla Sofía Gascón as Emilia Pérez/Juan “Manitas” Del Monte
Zoë Saldaña as Rita Mora Castro (lawyer hired to assist Emilia)
Selena Gomez as Jessi Del Monte (Emilia’s wife)
Adriana Paz as Epifanía Flores
Édgar Ramírez as a suave cowboy involved with Jessi
Mark Ivanir as Dr. Wasserman (responsible for Emilia’s transformation)