In the 1980s, Bruno Sulak, a charismatic and clever thief, orchestrates a series of high-profile heists that make him infamous across France. Known for his brilliant heists and daring escapes from police custody, Bruno captures the public’s imagination. But it’s not just his criminal exploits that make him a legend — it’s his unbreakable bond with his lover and accomplice, Annie. Together, they become the embodiment of rebellion and freedom, with Bruno rising to fame as both an outlaw and a symbol of defiance against authority. As Bruno’s escapades intensify and his status as France’s Public Enemy #1 solidifies, he faces the unrelenting pursuit of law enforcement, all while striving to reunite with Annie at any cost. His unyielding pursuit of freedom and love will push him to the edge, testing the limits of loyalty and survival

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Movie Title: Ferrdom

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Release Date: TBD
Country: France
Language: French
Based on True Events: Inspired by the life of Bruno Sulak, one of France’s most notorious non-violent robbers in the 1980s.


  • Lead: [Actor name as Bruno Sulak]
  • [Actress name as Annie]
  • Supporting Cast: [Actor names as police officers, accomplices, and key figures]

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