Joker Folie a Deux (2024)
Struggling to reconcile his two identities, Arthur Fleck embarks on an unexpected journey of self-discovery. In his quest for love and meaning, Arthur not only finds a deep connection with the enigmatic Lee Quinzel but also uncovers the music that has been quietly shaping his soul all along. As he grapples with his inner demons, his journey takes a dark and thrilling turn, leading him into a world where his choices have profound consequences.
SIZE (479.3MB)
Title: The World is a Stage
Release Date: October 4, 2024
Genre: Crime, Drama, Musical, Thriller
Country: United States
Language: English
- Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck
- Lady Gaga as Lee Quinzel
- Brendan Gleeson as Jackie Sullivan
- Catherine Keener as Maryanne Stewart
- Zazie Beetz as Sophie Dumond
- Steve Coogan as Paddy Meyers
- Harry Lawtey as Harvey Dent
- Leigh Gill as Gary Puddles
- Ken Leung as Dr. Victor Liu
- Jacob Lofland as Ricky Meline
- Sharon Washington as Debra Kane
- Troy Fromin as E Ward Inmate (Troy Larkins)
- Bill Smitrovich as Judge Herman Rothwax
- John Lacy as Arkham Guard
- Gattlin Griffith as Masked Joker Driver
- Tim Dillon as Arkham Guard
- Mike Houston as Guard
- G.L. McQueary as Head Bailiff
- Jimmy Smagula as Guard
- Brian Donahue as Guard