The Shadow Strays (2024)
In Rescue Mission, a skilled young assassin named Nomi (Agent 13) finds herself at odds with her mentor Agent Umbra and the ruthless organization that trained her. When a boy’s mother is brutally murdered by a powerful crime syndicate, Nomi takes matters into her own hands. Driven by a personal vendetta and a deep sense of justice, she defies the orders of her superiors and embarks on a perilous mission to rescue the boy and bring the syndicate to justice. As Nomi faces dangerous adversaries, including her own mentor, she must navigate a world filled with betrayal, dark secrets, and high-stakes action.
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Title: Rescue Mission
Release Date: October 17, 2024
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian, English
- Aurora Ribero as Agent 13 / Nomi
- Hana Malasan as Agent Umbra
- Andri Mashadi as Ariel
- Adipati Dolken as Prasetyo
- Kristo Immanuel as Jeki
- Ali Fikry as Monji
- Taskya Namya as Soriah
- Arswendi Nasution as Soemitro
- Chew Kin-Wah as Handler
- Agra Piliang as Haga
- Daniel Ekaputra as Agent Troika
- Tanta Ginting as Kabil
- Eva Celia as Volver
- Mawar Eva De Jongh as Agent 14
- Yayan Ruhian as Master Burai
- Hiroaki Kato as Kenjiro
- Nobuyuki Suzuki as Yoshinori