Elevation (2024)
In a world overrun by monstrous creatures, a single father, Will, joins forces with two women, Nina and Katie, to venture out from the safety of their isolated homes. Together, they must face terrifying dangers in a desperate race against time to save the life of a young boy. As they battle both the creatures and their own fears, their journey becomes a fight for survival—and for the future of humanity.
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Title: Don’t Go Down Without a Fight
Release Date: November 7, 2024
Country: United States
Language: English
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
- Anthony Mackie as Will
- Morenna Baccarin as Nina
- Maddie Hasson as Katie
- Danny Boyd Jr. as Hunter
- Shauna Earp as Hannah
- Tyler Grey as Tim
- Drexel Malkoff as Nina’s Son (uncredited)
- David Malkoff as Nina’s Husband (uncredited)
- Mike Hickman as Refugee (uncredited)
- Ian Hummel as Refugee (uncredited)
- Dalila Orozco as Refugee (uncredited)
- James Anthony Perez as Refugee (uncredited)
- Gregg S. Perry as Refugee (uncredited)