Alita Battle Angel (2019)
Set centuries in the future, Alita: Battle Angel follows the story of Alita, a discarded cyborg found in the scrapyard of Iron City by Dr. Dyson Ido, a compassionate cyber-doctor. After being revived, Alita wakes up with no memory of her past and no understanding of the world around her. As she tries to piece together her identity and adapt to the treacherous streets of Iron City, she finds herself drawn into a dangerous and mysterious world. Meanwhile, Dr. Ido works to protect Alita from the dark secrets of her past, even as she uncovers shocking truths about who she once was.
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Title: Alita: Battle Angel
Type: Movie
Release Date: February 15, 2019
Country: United States of America
Language: English, Spanish
Genre: Thriller, Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Romance
- Rosa Salazar as Alita
- Christoph Waltz as Dr. Dyson Ido
- Jennifer Connelly as Chiren
- Mahershala Ali as Vector
- Ed Skrein as Zapan
- Jackie Earle Haley as Grewishka
- Keean Johnson as Hugo
- Lana Condor as Koyomi
- Jorge Lendeborg Jr. as Tanji
- Eiza González as Nyssiana
- Jeff Fahey as McTeague
- Idara Victor as Nurse Gerhad