Heaven and Hell
The story revolves around a dedicated rescue worker who unexpectedly becomes embroiled in the kidnapping of a mogul’s tween daughter. As rival gangs close in on them, the protagonist must navigate unpredictable dangers and protect the young girl, while being hunted by multiple threats from different factions.
SIZE (614.44MB)
- Title: Heaven and Hell
- Release Date: September 26, 2024
- Country: Thailand
- Language: Thai
- Genres: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
- Cast:
- Sukollawat Kanarot as Wanchai
- Atitaya Tribudarak as Meiji
- Sanya Kunakorn as Sin
- Natthaya Ongsritragul as Duangkamol
- Day Thaitanium as Darlie
- Mamio as Jack
- Teerapat Lohanan as Bank
- Ping Lumpraploeng as Suppakorn Kitsuwan