Mary (2024)
Plot Summary:
Mary, a young woman of humble origins, is chosen to conceive a child miraculously. Her miraculous pregnancy shocks the world and enrages King Herod, the ruler of Judea, who fears this newborn could threaten his power. In his desperation, Herod orders the death of all infants in the region, sending Mary and her child into hiding. As they flee into the wilderness, they are pursued by Herod’s soldiers, facing dangers and temptations along the way. Mary’s faith, courage, and the mysterious destiny of her son become a beacon of hope for others, and she must navigate both physical and spiritual challenges as she protects the life of the one who will change the world forever.
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Movie Title: Her Grace Changed the World
Release Date: December 6, 2024
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Genre: Action, Drama, Thrille
- Anthony Hopkins as King Herod
- Noa Cohen as Mary
- Ido Tako as Joseph
- Mili Avital as Mariamne
- Stephanie Nur as Salome
- Eamon Farren as Satan
- Soufiane El Khalidy as Frustrated Pilgrim
- Hilla Vidor as Anne
- Gudmundur Thorvaldsson as Marcellus
- Ori Pfeffer as Joachim
- Tarrick Benham as Jonathan
- Saikat Ahamed as King Casper