
The original adventure-comedy follows Op and Ed, two adorable donut-shaped animals – flummels – who accidentally time-travel from 1835 to modern-day Shanghai. There they discover traffic, trans fats, and worst of all, that flummels are now extinct. It’s up to this bumbling pair to save themselves and their species…and, just maybe, change the course of history.

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The original adventure-comedy follows Op and Ed, two adorable donut-shaped animals – flummels – who accidentally time-travel from 1835 to modern-day Shanghai.
Op and Ed, two charming and quirky flummels, are caught in a whirlwind of adventure when a freak accident sends them hurtling through time. Transported from the year 1835 to the bustling streets of contemporary Shanghai, the lovable duo is thrust into a world full of traffic jams, fast food, and modern-day chaos. Worse yet, they soon discover that their species, the flummels, are now extinct.

With their future—and that of their species—on the line, Op and Ed must navigate the complexities of the modern world, overcome ridiculous obstacles, and find a way to return to the past. Along the way, they form unexpected friendships and learn some valuable lessons about their place in the world. But can they find a way to save themselves—and maybe even change the course of hi

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